Cold Hurts the Muscles
Is it just me, or is it harder to train when it's colder out...say below 5C?
Went out for my aforementioned intervals on Tuesday (with anti-blogger Gillian), and it was okay when i left my home... Met Gillian downtown, and as we left it started snowing. As we were cruising along the Goose out to Metchosin, it went from snow to sleet to rain..then stopped and cleared up as we turned onto Metchosin.
Got to the bottom of the quarry hill, and we went off to do our workouts, and as we started, it started hailing (or snowing like gangbusters). Ouch. Only lasted a minute or so, then cleared up again, pretty much for the rest of the day...
Still, was a bit chilled to start (was *slightly* under-dressed.) The first 20min FTP effort felt okay, looked like i was staying in the 265-275w range.. Rested a few mins, and went for the second effort. Felt sluggish, but pushed through, wasn't so fun closer to the end... I think the cold just saps it from the muscles.
Ride home was okay, but felt like work as well..felt beat when i got home.
Workout wasn't really all that great tho, by the numbers.. 257w for #1 (both NP and AP), and the AP for #2 was 260w. Oddly, it was 259w NP. How does that happen...?
Anyway, that's a bit short of the 270w i was aiming for...and it sure felt like i'd done it. HR was about right as well...and RPE.. I'm guessing it was just the cold.
Here's the ride WKO+ data for those so inclined:
Entire workout (208 watts): Duration: 2:41:45 Work: 2001 kJ TSS: 190.7 (intensity factor 0.845) Norm Power: 227 VI: 1.1 Distance: 80.383 km Min Max Avg Power: 0 826 208 watts Heart Rate: 102 182 159 bpm Cadence: 30 163 94 rpm Speed: 3.8 57.5 30.0 kph
Was moving pretty good for such a crap day...haha
For those who want to check out what's happening weather-wise in the Greater Victoria area, check out this awesome weather map from Roland:
I'll give you a minute to bookmark that.
Okay, so i think we all agree it sucks riding in the cold. What's worse, we now have a ton of snow in Victoria. Happy Birthday to me...hahah.. My 35th birthday will always be remembered as the one with all the snow.
Don't know if i'll make it out on the bike tomorrow due to this...maybe a trainer ride..? Maybe head over to OBB and build up my TT bike if my levers arrive...!
Well that's about it. I think i'll conclude with the honey badger video. What a badass he is! He doesn't give a shit about anything, that honey badger.
Labels: 2x20, cold, honey badger