
This blog/site is a collection of my thoughts, articles and other general excitement tied into cycling, training and competing as a vegan bike racer and athlete.

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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Happy 2013 - Calendars, Bike Stats and a Smoothie

Happy 2013 bike fans!

Can't believe another year has gone by. 2012 was a pretty good year on the bike, will try and post some sort of highlights update some time. Looks like i didn't update anything since March...eep!

This year focus will return to the track...training will be split between tt/ftp and sprinting. That ought to be fun! Who wants to join me afternoons on the track for 20min threshold sessions? ;)

Here are a few items for your pleasure:

Training Calendars

How do you keep track of your training or what's coming up? For a few years now i've been going to the CalendarLabs website and printing up items from their site:

I print out the Monthly calendars, which leaves a good amount of space each day, and use a clip to hold 'em all together.

As events come up for the year, they're quick and easy to add in (i'm going to try using some highlighters this year to add some color and distinction. ;) And since they're all there, it's really easy to figure out your build-up for various events, week-by-week. I'll keep track of all these, which are handy to review:

* upcoming events
* training/interval sessions
* note race results
* note ride/training highlights or concerns

Also, since it's just a clip holding it all together, it's easy to add other sheets (there are a few local series, with a bunch of dates through the year, keep it all handy). And whatever training sheets you might have.

There are a bunch of different options, but i find i like the individual month dates, and print up one for each month of the year: http://www.calendarlabs.com/printable-calendar.php?template=tL1m

Let me know if this works for you, or if you have a suggestion!

Festive 500

Another year, another Festive 500 - riding 500km from Xmas Eve to  New Year's Eve. 2011 was a real struggle, the weather was MISERABLE. This year - MUCH better! Barely got wet. I was finished with a day to spare, and took a rest day to boot!

If you're on the Strava, you can follow me here: http://app.strava.com/athletes/17877

Bike Stats

One feature i like about Strava is that it tracks your riding stats:

Distance     12,944.4km
Time     482hr 42m
Elev Gain     103,583m
Rides     216

Niner RIP9     357.3km
Ridley Noah     7,294.9km
Ridley Orion     6,633.3km
Ridley X-Night     1,914.3km

Pretty neat stuff! I'm pretty sure i logged all my rides (except commuting), so this is pretty complete. Don't have this for 2011 (this would be a nice feature in the upcoming version of WKO+ - i have so much data in there, but so much of it is 'lost'.)

One thing this highlights is in these parts the need of a decent winter bike. I knew i logged a fair amount of mileage on my Orion, but i would never have guessed THAT much! Also surprised by the distance i rode in CX too, would have been a fair bit more had i not had a terrible crash (low point of the year! Luckily nothing broken, but out of action for about a month.)

A Recipe!

I just tweeted this, so might as well share here - it was pretty tasty!

'Nutella' Smoothie

* banana
* soy milk (or almond, rice, etc..)
* Santa Cruz organic chocolate syrup
* hazelnuts
* Vega One - chocolate

Lightly roast hazelnuts (like 5min at 300C), i used about 20 for about 2c soymilk.

Add to soymilk in blender, add banana, chocolate syrup (to taste) and Vega, and blend it up!

Wasn't too bad! Fun way to mix up the Vega. =)

That's A Wrap

Thanks for stopping by, happy riding, and eat your veggies! =)

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    At Monday, January 07, 2013 3:09:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

    Great job on the Festive 500! Big increase this year from the 9 Canadians that finished it in 2011. Strava/Garmin must be loving it.

    That's a good idea with the calendar pages. I'm going to print some for myself.

    I wanted to use the planner I got from my work, but it has really small boxes. Not really useful.

    Smoothie looks like it's worth a try =)



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    Dave Shishkoff
    aka Dave Noisy
    Victoria, BC

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    Organic Athlete

    Oak Bay Bicycles

    Fueled With: Vega



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