
This blog/site is a collection of my thoughts, articles and other general excitement tied into cycling, training and competing as a vegan bike racer and athlete.

Articles of Interest:

Saturday, July 02, 2005

While The Quinoa Cooks -- Log

I've got a few minutes while my quinoa pilaf is cooking (quinoa with bok choy, kale, carrots, corn and ginger - yum!)

The Tour de Lance has begun, LA seems to be quite fit....coming in second in the ITT and passing Jan Ulrich.. A good sign for him?

The Canadian Track Nationals are happening in Calgary right now, three days gone, one left tomorrow. My friend and training pal Sarah is doing quite well! She came in 3rd in the 200m sprints, and 4th in matched sprints! Kick ass! (She's pictured, top left in the blue. Great shot from Andrea Brewer!)

Big Matt has also been doing quite well, getting a bronze in the matched sprints. Looking forward to seeing results from the rest of the races, gooooo team!!

We've got our new outfits as well, looking forward to getting a new jersey!

As for my training, took it fairly easy last week, taking Wed and Fri off the bike completely....first 5-day week in a while i believe...felt good to rest. They say you should do that a bit. ;)

Last Thursday's race was pretty good! Many of the A's were away (Calgary!) so there were five of us in total...

First up was a Scratch race, i pulled a 3rd in that. In the Miss'n'Out i tied for 2nd (both Chris and i crossed at the same time..well, i was ahead, but who cares? ;) Also got a solid 2nd in the first Snowball race of the year. (Brutal race, first person over the line each lap gets a point...and they go up with each lap, so the first lap is 1pt, 12th is 12pts, etc..) I had some good attacks on Marcus, who earned every other point.

That's about all the excitement for now....will be riding with the Burnside group tomorrow again, and back to much the same schedule after that.

Here's what happened since last Saturday, some neat stuff:
* Sat (June 25th) - pretty fast Bside ride, which i won (last rider..haha) Ave speed was over 34.5kph.

* Sun - rode with Sarah...wasn't really paying attention, but it turned out to be a pretty fast ride

* Mon - Sprint Nite at the track, hit new top speed in a sprint, 57kph. (Which reminds me, i've also added my 'Personal Bests' to my Bio page.

* Tue - went out to the track and did my CTS field test. I was a bit tired, so results weren't remarkable. Oddly, my HR was almost identical, but i went a fair bit further/faster. My training won't change for now, will retest in a month.

* Wed - rest day!!

* Thu - Race night, as described above.

* Fri - Another rest day, it's getting crazy!

* Sat - Burnside ride as described above.
Keep on rollin'!!


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Dave Shishkoff
aka Dave Noisy
Victoria, BC

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Organic Athlete

Oak Bay Bicycles

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