
This blog/site is a collection of my thoughts, articles and other general excitement tied into cycling, training and competing as a vegan bike racer and athlete.

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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ensuring A Dry and Warm Winter

I think i figured how to make the winter dry and warm in your area - load up on new cold weather gear, and grow a beard.

Well, that's about all that's different this year, yet it's been remarkably dry and warm! I've taken out my new Ridley Noah a record six consecutive rides before last Saturday..and twice this week so far. Got a ton of riding in through January as well - nearly 44hrs spent on the bike! That may actually top what i was riding some months last summer...feeling really great regardless.

Also made a new home for the Ridley, running out of potential spots to hang bikes in my pad:

Got some catching up to do, last week was an 'easy-ish' week, just did a few 'steady' EM-paced rides with no big efforts... Let's see where we left off - this will be a two-part blog.

Wed (Jan 20th) - Climb

Will just do just one summary for the climbing: had a couple 'rough' weeks, didn't seem to be progressing much...hands not feeling like they're really recovering.. Keeping at it, working on easier routes and doing some laps and climb-downs to try and increase strength. Still working mainly on 10c's & d's.

Thu - EM w/30min Tempo and Mt Doug

Went up Mt Doug again, did it standing up the entire way...seems like it's the way to do it....i went at it pretty hard, averaged 310w and got to the top in 8min flat. Cadence was so low, ~56rpm..i think standing is required. As far as what might be my potential fastest time... I should be able to average 340w, and that ought to get me closer to the 7min timeframe, but i doubt i'll be cracking 7mins.

Chad and i atop Mt Doug (actually that was on Tuesday, previous blog entry, d'oh!), continued out to Sidney, and did a 30min Tempo interval:

Ave Wts: 257
Ave HR: 169
Ave Cad: 72
Ave Spd: 35.5kph

HR was quite high for that wattage...so i suspected i'm in need of some rest, which prompted my easy-ish week.

Deets for the rest of the ride:

Entire workout (211 watts):
Duration: 2:29:03 (2:36:01)
Work: 1870 kJ
TSS: 189 (intensity factor 0.875)
Norm Power: 232
VI: 1.1
Distance: 74.281 km
         Min Max Avg
Power: 0 951 211 watts
Heart Rate: 74 189 158 bpm
Cadence: 28 122 82 rpm
Speed: 3.8 58.1 30.1 kph

Sat - OBB Ride

Good solid pace from Land's End to Interurban, i somehow ended up on the front of the group on the climb past the Observatory....weird being on the front, but pretty much ensures i'll be in there for the end!

The sprint was a big group, and i was near the back in the final stretch...pulled out to move up just before the hill and then it exploded! Dan Skinner, Craig, Scotty and Mike E launch, and i'm hot on their heels, but can't make up the ground...still, 5th in that company isn't shabby.

Been riding a bit further as well, i normally turn off at Richmond, but instead continue around the water to Estevan. If i turn off closer, it's usually around 98km. This way i'm doing over 100. ;)

Entire workout (187 watts):
Duration: 3:15:52 (3:37:35)
Work: 2187 kJ
TSS: 261.5 (intensity factor 0.898)
Norm Power: 238
VI: 1.27
Pw:HR: -1.9%
Pa:HR: 4.32%
Distance: 105.65 km
           Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1221 187 watts
Heart Rate: 78 188 151 bpm
Cadence: 24 128 89 rpm
Speed: 3.7 66.3 32.5 kph

I think that's the highest TSS i've gotten for a Sat ride so far...we've really been moving. An NP of 238w over 3.25hrs is also HUGE for me. I'm feeling much stronger later on in rides, which is a big change for me. Normally i get progressively weaker and weaker through a ride...i seem to be gaining some 'depth'.

Monday (Jan 25th) - 1hr Ride w/Chad

Skipped riding on Sunday, pooped and rainy to boot. Talked Chad into joining me, and just did my 1hr Power Hour loop. Nothing too crazy, obviously went fairly easily, good way to start my 'easy-ish' week. ;)

Entire workout (160 watts):
Duration: 1:17:55 (1:22:15)
Work: 744 kJ
TSS: 55.4 (intensity factor 0.656)
Norm Power: 174
VI: 1.08
Distance: 34.926 km
         Min Max Avg
Power: 0 496 160 watts
Heart Rate: 67 152 121 bpm
Cadence: 28 114 84 rpm
Speed: 3.8 57.2 27.1 kph

Max of 496w - i meant business! ;)

We stopped at the top of King George Terrace:

Yep, it's teh suck to be in Victoria in January.

Tuesday - 1.5hr EM

A weird day....it was totally dry as i was getting ready to head out. Hop on my bike, the sun is shining, and it starts to sprinkle!! Drat!

Plan was to ride out the Goose to Lagoon Rd, and do that loop, but the further i got out of town, the wetter the trail...gah..so turned around by the hospital and took the water back in..just a steady pace.

Entire workout (199 watts):
Duration: 1:38:57 (1:41:48)
Work: 1172 kJ
TSS: 103.6 (intensity factor 0.795)
Norm Power: 211
VI: 1.06
Distance: 48.392 km
         Min Max Avg
Power: 0 589 199 watts
Heart Rate: 79 171 143 bpm
Cadence: 20 126 93 rpm
Speed: 3.7 51.4 29.5 kph

Thursday - 2hr EM w/Kevin

Kevin was able to make it out, and we headed out along the water, and did the Lagoon loop. It's actually pretty nice, and we're taking the new paved Goose out to Colwood. I think this'll be a fairly regular ride for me if i'm not doing any intervals...nice change of pace.

Entire workout (197 watts):
Duration: 2:04:47 (2:08:43)
Work: 1465 kJ
TSS: 133.1 (intensity factor 0.803)
Norm Power: 213
VI: 1.08
Distance: 59.751 km
              Min Max Avg
Power: 0 890 197 watts
Heart Rate: 74 173 146 bpm
Cadence: 24 126 92 rpm
Speed: 3.8 67.2 28.9 kph

Will pick up last weekend's OBB ride in the next post. =)

Happy February!


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    Dave Shishkoff
    aka Dave Noisy
    Victoria, BC

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