
This blog/site is a collection of my thoughts, articles and other general excitement tied into cycling, training and competing as a vegan bike racer and athlete.

Articles of Interest:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Two Years!

Hey all - just a quick note to celebrate the second anniversary of my blog! Can you believe i've been updating this thing for two years now? 123 postings in that time too (no joke!) It's kind of fun going back and reading some original postings..

Got in a few more solid weeks of MT workouts, took a break the last week, and back at it for my final session before i starting progressing along my training schedule. I'm happy to say there's been some fairly significant growth in the legs, so hopefully this all amounts to some more speed in the spring and summer!

Weather is starting to mellow out again (for now) - still rainy, but at least it's getting close to 10C.

The OA Victoria chapter is still rolling, found a few more people who are interested, tabling at the Health Show here on the weekend. (Which is why i didn't get out for any rides!)

Latest issue of The Victoria Vegan was also posted, check it if you haven't!

Some other quick points of interest:
  • I dunno if i've mentioned this, but i've started taking cordyceps, which is a mushroom supplement, that's supposed to really boost energy levels and the immune system. Lance, apparently, ate bucketfuls of this stuff, and perhaps that's why it comes as no surprise the new supplement being promoted by Team Discovery Channel contains them....anyway, there's an article and discussion here: Cordyceps: veganfitness.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=122316
  • Interesting 'debate' between two scientists on protein, one is in favor of minimizing intake (yay) and the other maintains more 'conventional' opinions...not surprisingly, i find his responses to be rather shallow and sidestep a lot of the issues Phillips brings up...supporting the idea that we most certainly do not need to eat high amounts of protein: t-nation.com/findArticle.do?article=05-068-diet
  • It's a sad state of affairs in the Victoria cycling community...with a few locals speaking out AGAINST the inclusion of the track in the Victoria Cycling League (despite it having been present for as long as i've known...) Very depressing that i have to make the case to keep it in: roadie.ca/forums/viewtopic.php?p=505
  • Final note: Clif is now making a delicious-sounding blueberry bar - any of you Yankies wanna send me a few to try out? =)
That's all the excitement on this end, i'll report back on my never-ending MT workouts soon! ;)



At Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this yankee has connections to send blueberry bars....

At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:31:00 AM, Blogger PEANUT said...

I think i spoiled you by sending ProBars from USA. Now you think it's easy to get bars sent to you!! Oops, just read the first contact. My wrong.

At Friday, February 16, 2007 5:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i haven't been able to find any blueberry clif bars around here... hopefully they'll start showing up!

and you need to update!

At Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:56:00 PM, Blogger Dave Shishkoff said...

haha - i dunno Christine - maybe send some more bars to confirm that i've been spoiled. =P

Awww...bummer Irene, thanks anyway! =)


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Dave Shishkoff
aka Dave Noisy
Victoria, BC

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Organic Athlete

Oak Bay Bicycles

Fueled With: Vega



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