
This blog/site is a collection of my thoughts, articles and other general excitement tied into cycling, training and competing as a vegan bike racer and athlete.

Articles of Interest:

Friday, November 06, 2009

A Moderate Week

A fairly easy week training-wise, just a couple 2hr EM rides, partially due to feeling a bit under-the-weather on Tuesday, and a double-header race weekend about to esplode!

Tomorrow is a flat but muddy course at Slugget Farm in Saanich, and Sunday is a hilly and grassy course at the Juan de Fuca Rec Center (home of our beloved velodrome that we've been locked out of: screw you Dave Saunders you gurgling idiot!!)

My two rides looked a little something like this:


Entire workout (208 watts):
    Duration:      2:01:09 (2:04:49)
    Work:          1502 kJ
    TSS:           146.9 (intensity factor 0.856)
    Norm Power:    223
    VI:            1.07
    Distance:      61.235 km
        Min    Max    Avg
    Power:           0    833    208     watts
    Heart Rate:      79    180    157     bpm
    Cadence:         21    118    95     rpm
    Speed:           3.8    59.4    30.5     kph

Entire workout (208 watts):
    Duration:      2:11:45 (2:16:55)
    Work:          1632 kJ
    TSS:           160.4 (intensity factor 0.858)
    Norm Power:    223
    VI:            1.07
    Distance:      66.168 km
        Min    Max    Avg
    Power:           0    711    208     watts
    Heart Rate:      70    179    157     bpm
    Cadence:         29    122    95     rpm
    Speed:           4    55.5    30.4     kph

If i'm anything, i'm consistent, apparently! Similar but different routes.. I lucked out Thursday, it was raining all morning, and for the 2-4pm window that i snuck out, it was dry, and we actually had a few sunny breaks! Also, thanks for the company from Lysanne.

Wish me luck this weekend!

Links Of Interest
Al Gore on ABC News, talks a bit about diet:
Some comments:
Methane is 20x more damaging than CO2.
"I'm not a vegetarian, don't plan to become one."
"But the biggest issue, by far, is CO2. And methane comes from a lot of sources...natural gas, coal mines, rice, a lot of sources."
Good job, Al Gore. Way to ignore this "inconvenient truth".

No Need for Vegans to Give Up Fat, Gluten, Soy or Cooked Foods
Amen to that, Ginny! Veganism is not a deprivation diet, but should actually expand one's dietary horizon! Follow her on Twitter as well: http://twitter.com/TheVeganRD/

MEC Reveals their New Line of Bikes
I'm not really impressed...these don't seem like very good values. I don't think bike shops have much to worry about.

Number of Animals Killed to Produce 1 Million Calories in Eight Food Categories
An interesting visual.

Beeb article on the confusing 'levels' of vegetarianism...let's not let this happen to veganism!

NISSCCOTU Race Report by Wendy Simms
Hilarious race report from Wendy from last weekend's Single Speed Championships, check it if you haven't already!

Plus Some NISSCCOTU Video
Some fun footage, plus i'm in there:
* 3:05 - Air Vegan!
* 5:35 - In the mud..

NISSCCOTU GPS - Roland's Garmin Data
Kind of cool to check out, Roland's GPS data from the race.

Another Vegan Cycling Blog: Chronicals of the mtbVegan
Twitter friend Regina's postings, a strong SS rider from Milwaukee, WI.

All Things Cyclocross on the Island
From the OA Victoria site, this link connects to most all the cyclocross stuff on the island. =)

Alright, gotta keep on the prep for tomorrow, wish me luck!


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    Dave Shishkoff
    aka Dave Noisy
    Victoria, BC

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    Oak Bay Bicycles

    Fueled With: Vega



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